PCR Technique, principal and applications
The PCR workshop was held in the Biotechnology Research Center for the period 6th – 8th of February 2007. A total of 32 persons joined the workshop. The participants were from different academic background including university professors, clinicians and post graduate students. The workshop scheduled to have 8 lectures and 8 practical sessions. The morning sessions mainly focused on lectures discussing basics of technique, different PCR methods and applications of PCR in diagnosis of diseases as well as its application in different areas of biotechnology The participants instructed to be able to design their own primers and PCR programs. The afternoon sessions contained practical works on extraction of DNA from different sources, running PCR and Electrophoresis.
In the evening of last day, there was an evaluation meeting for the past 3 days, where everyone expressed some comments about problems that occurred so far. Finally, the participants received an official certificate for attending in the workshop.
Workshop executor: Dr Safar Farajnia
Lecturers: Dr Farajnia, Dr Dastmalchi, Dr Mahmoudpour, Dr Kazemi, Dr Asgharzadeh.